

Well, today I wake up, zombie like and I was searching throw all the new notifications on the phone...

To my surprise, a company that had interviewed me in December want to call me tp see my actual profesional status (which is a fucked up one tbh xD) because the got a great feedback at the interview and wanted to check on me again.

I will tell you how this end, I hope well (I need a job :_( )

Now I am nervous ><

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    @molaram Well, I had good feedback from a few people and friends with someone working inside that the company is not that bad, also I checked on the internet and I do not think this is a case like the one you post.

    My interview was at christmas (the first one the 10th and the second one the 20th) so between the end of christmass (here in spain we end the 6th of January) and the corona outbreak... they only did not call me for the last interview (the thech one, already interview from hr and a manager) I asume for all of this.

    In any case,
    Best scenario: they hire me, the company is nice and the pay is to.
    The "ok" scenario: they hire me, pay is fine and the company is in general "ok"
    The Meh scenario: they do not hire me, no hard feelings.
    The worst scenario: they hire me, the company is a fucking nightmare.

    Asuming the worst scenario: I can allways quit the job, It would not be the first time...

    And either way i need a job
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    @zoridan The good old game theory to the rescue. Good luck!
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