How can I work on stupid things and not to be frustrated at the end of day

My frustrations is visible to the people.

Any suggestions to avoid it ...

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    @Jilano that's not an option at all for me.
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    @arvinds what about @rutee07's suggestion?
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    @alexbrooklyn its my problem not others because I go frustrated very easily
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    If you have any standards and professional pride whatsoever, you can't. That's the equivalent of asking "how can I lobotomize myself?"

    You either care or you don't. Find another gig where the people around you also care, or resign yourself to doing meaningless work until they promote you to management and your job is no longer development.
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    You can't fix stupid.

    Make fun of them until they go away, and resign yourself to being a hermit. It's marginally better than dealing with mind-blowing stupidity all day every day for the rest of your life.

    Or try to surround yourself with intelligent, decent people. It's difficult but not impossible, or so I'm told. The hermit thing can be plan B.
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