So was thinking to myself, what's the equivalent word for a female brogrammer? Wogrammer, no, Lagrammer? No. Got it. Hogrammer. 8|

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    @sweetnothings syster is acually good enough for me 😂
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    @M1sf3t Its okay cause a person who currently identifies as a woman said it. If it had been a guy he would be racist.
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    @rutee07 JESUS
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    @M1sf3t I've been in meetings for the past 2 days. I'm fucking bored as lol help meeeee
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    @sweetnothings sisgrammer sounds like a gender thing X'D
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    Why nobody ++ this ?
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    As per usual I just use bro thus brogrammer regardless if the dude got a schlong or not
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    @karma hogrammers be hatin
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    @M1sf3t yes but McDonald’s and KFC are closed 🤷🏼‍♀️
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    @M1sf3t I would call someone I know intimately a ho in a playful way. Even then it would have to be a really trusting relationship. Not someone I don't know or only know superficially.
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    Can I not call myself a hogrammer then? Soz. Please don’t report me to the police 😂😂
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    So will I get in trouble if I try and be safe and refer to everyone as ze? Then when someone corrects me say, "I cannot tell."
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    @M1sf3t Isn't that the gender neutral pronoun to replace he and she?
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