Just finished my *carousel* JavaScript plugins

Feel free to check it out and tell me what you think

Here is the link


  • 2
    Distributed as a ZIP file in a dump-it-all-here repo? That's not really how one should use git.
  • 0
    @gronostaj sorry. But I'm a beginner on git
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    @gronostaj please how can I upload it correctly
  • 0
    - Start by learning git. It's super useful and a must-have on progammer's CV nowadays.

    - Look at other repos on GitHub, most major projects use it to host their git repositories. Take note how they have dedicated repo for each project and they store sources - not built programs or distributables.

    - Git is great for tracking changes to text files. Using it to store binary files like archives is a waste of its potential (plus it already has built-in compression)
  • 0
    @gronostaj ok thanks.

    I was just looking for a way to share the source code of my little plugins🙂
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    @gronostaj I fixed it!😊
  • 1
    Much better, but it's still a dump-it-all repo. You should keep one project per repository.
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    @gronostaj but. It's just one project
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    Cool work dude! Keep learning!
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    @FelisPhasma thanks 😊
  • 1
    @Afrographics The repo is called "MyProjects". It contains a dedicated directory for this project called "Swiper_Plugins". It's definitely not a single project repo, even if there's only one project in there.
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