I see... the home gaming market wasn't very prominent when this was written.

  • 1
    Although i understand your point and agree with it, this text made me think for a while about the quality of software we are producing. Sometimes i see so many people (devs) being lenient with low quality software because maybe 1- they don't give a shit 2- they're lazy 3- they think that the code is actually good. We as users of mobile devices and softwares "expect" them to be almost-zero-bug even knowing that this is impossible, because "the companies have high QA standards". Shouldn't we start doing the same? I always spend some time trying to make people understand the obvious but seems like they only want their paychecks and say things like "the user doesn't know about the shitty quality of code" and "who cares as long as it works".
  • 2
    All good points, I have been re-reading this text after the devrant #0 podcast with the author, and the point of the preceding section is about how quality needs to be planned. Perfect code is generally impossible, and there needs to be an understanding of with the client as part of the requirements how polished you can get within the budget of time and money.

    But you are correct. Too many devs use the expectation of 'not perfect' to do a bad job. As professionals we need to be able to give realistic expectations of how much we can do at what quality within a budget.

    However, clients generally need a leasson in how developing software is a continuous service, and not a pay once and done product.
  • 2
    Direct mailing to Ubisoft ...
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