
After 3 years of postponed delivery dates and enduring a crappy internet connection the result is close enough to touch. 1 Week until I get a solid internet connection and can join the rest of modern society.

100Mbps internet here I come!

More updates to come with undoubtably more frustration!

  • 0
    Ha, I feel ya. I've moved to UK a few years back and being used to speeds like 100 or 200 Mbps I'm trying to get something similar, only to find that ~50 Mbps is a standard.

    Excuse me, what?! Did I move back in time as well? :-D
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    In my crap eastern eu country, 1 gbps costs like $20 a month 🤷‍♂️
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    @yellow-dog lucky. The main issue with fast internet is the initial deployment. As far as I can tell building the network only took so long because Australia is so fucking massive.
  • 1
    @smoq I mean, we would end up paying about 6-15k to run fibre to the house only to be able to get a max of 250Mbps for about $200 a month.
    The people building the network even admitted that bandwidth wasn't a problem.
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