I just got a new computer, and obviously it comes with windows installed. But I go too used to Linux and now windows just feels weird.

  • 11
    Why did you tag me?
  • 2
    Nah,that would be more like "red hot burning dumpsterfire".
  • 4
    Why "obviuosly"? I always buy my computer without OS, saves a few bucks. I don't want to pay Microsoft for something I don't need.
  • 0
    @ddephor I had no option.
  • 2
    Remove that virus immediately! 🦠😷
    Also wash your hands! πŸ§ΌπŸ‘

    After months procrastinating I got 100% rid of windows yesterday. (was still in a partition for when I needed once a year, literally!) (dont need it anymore not even for games!)
    Hopefully will never ever have to use it again. (other than having fun in VMs or maybe open PhotoShop because a designer sends me a file in PS format)
  • 3
    Windows does have its uses, tho. But there's always VMs you can run instead. That said, I hope that as I'm writing this you've gotten rid of the Windows already and are running a Linux OS
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