Big project this week. Lots of fires to put out. Deadlines approaching.

Monday: I can get by on just four hours sleep. No problem. Will be just like college.

Wednesday: I'm going to just close my eyes while this file uploads. Maybe I will backup the server while I'm at it; Just take a nap while that processes.

Friday: Sorry if my office smells like vomit. It's because I am so tired I vomited.

Sunday: I'm not getting out of this bed tomorrow. Let them fire me. I think I will just will myself into a coma. That will be nice.

  • 0
    That's rough bro. You alright?
  • 4
    At some point you just need to realize your too old to not sleep.
  • 0
    I've had to force myself to recognize the necessity of sleep, too. It sucks.
  • 0
    Is anything ever worth that much suffering?
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