When you're in Lisbon and all of your company its at websummit but the developers team have to watch online because it's not important for them. For real?

  • 2
    Devs should of had priority!
  • 1
    At least one from the team. We are the only ones at the company today. We all are following the talks in our pcs @Jumpshot44
  • 1
    Well I'm here and I haven't met a dev yet :(
  • 3
    To me websummit is a sales event, it has nothing to do with actual development, it's a bunch of companies, startups and salespeople selling their services to each other. I'm happy I didn't go, it's a complete waste of my time.

    I'd rather go to Laracon or something like that, and the best part of Laracon? They don't discriminate against males
  • 0
    It's good to devs in the way that you keep yourself informed in the technology that's going to be released some day that can be useful to you @jonnyserra
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