Can I combine php and node js on the same web app?

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    Yes, but why would you? Just genuinely curious...
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    @100110111 'cuz it's summer-time, and the living is (too) easy.
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    Yes, it is okay to mix node.js with wordpress. Only most of us will judge you.
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    @Demolishun i won't, and also not all php development is WordPress development 🙃
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    Honestly can't think of any case why you would want that...
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    Equivalent question: Can I paint a portrait with a paintbrush stapled to the paw of a cat that I'm holding?

    The answer to both questions is, "yes, but why?"
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    That's kind of what I'm wondering... PHP can be great, if you know your way around it. And Node can be great. But what drives someone to mix them? It's possible, and probs there's a perfectly valid reason as to why, but what is it?!
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    You can combine as much languages as you want. But it is in general a bad idea to do so without a good reason.
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    Painting a portrait with the paw of a cat (don't need to staple anything to it) at least sounds like it could result in great art - and ridiculous making-of videos having the potential of getting millions of views...
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    Might want to edit out the stapling footage though.
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    Laravel rabble rabble *scraping sounds* reeeeeeee
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    @AleCx04 But that is the only place I do PHP anymore.
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    If you do the stapling (wich i wouldn't recommend), then you definitely should keep that footage in the video as it will become way more viral that way.
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    If there is "stapling" footage, live-streaming it would significantly increase the probability of that footage reaching the intended audience...
    Just start the stream with something less "polarising" so it does not get instantly sniped by the censors.
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