While developing on xcode, I will be spending more time on waiting for the xcode to respond to my actions than actually writing code, especially when editing the storyboard, FUCK APPLE!

  • 0
    Yeah, xcode is too fucking slow, I wish that alternatives exist...
  • 0
    So it's slow even on a newer Mac?
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    @RogelioHit AppCode by Jetbrains
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    @rein do you know if there are problems working with that IDE and other xcodes while working with a source control?
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    @deusprogrammer There are many caveats, such as if you have storyboard open while you are editing, when change every line in your code it triggers a build which hangs xcode for a period of 2-5 secs depending on your luck. This period of 2-5 secs would however be extended to 10-20secs if you have source control enabled. Ok how do I know this you ask? Because I have tried many things trying to find out what causes the shitty performance and pin pointed it to Apple's shitty storyboard and source control mechanism.
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    @RogelioHit Yes DO NOT enable source control (which is enabled by default in the latest xcode so you need to disable it manually).
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    The way the storyboard works its a pain in the ass, it's definitely not source control friendly at all
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    @RogelioHit I havent tried it too much to say, but it looks promising.
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