
Devrant feature request: auto delete posts with -2 or worse rating and contains an attached image.


  • 3
    We already do some stuff along those lines.

    But honestly, that's not really what the recent feed is more. We're going to be doing a lot around personalization of the algo feed, but it won't help if you're looking at recent.

    IMO the stuff in algo tends to be really good content, especially the things that are highly ranked. I love people looking at recent because it helps weed out the bad rants, but I personally know no community in existence where every piece of content submitted is awesome. We want to try to make it that way, but I think there are unrealistic expectations for the recent sort.
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    @dfox hahaha, see why i requested the feature of being able to edit of your own post
  • 1
    @RampantShadow haha yup, I mean it definitely makes sense. We just have to figure out a simple way to add it and make sure we prevent abuse.
  • 0
    is that a #MetaRant :D
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