
So uh does anyone have any advice on freelancing/contracting? I’ve been considering doing it a little while going through college since it would be a little better than a full on job (or at least for my current situation) I’m realizing, but I have concerns like the myths I hear about clients, or with my own performance, or just the pay in general.

Idk what do you guys have to say

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    What do you want to know specifically??
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    @Ganofins I mean just anything you would have wanted to know before getting into it, what’s the chances of getting a shitty client (in your experience),and how well is the pay
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    @Bubbles I have been doing freelancing for 1.5 years on Fiverr. In my experience, you just need to have good experience with the service you wanna provide and then can get started.
    But it's tough to get your first client, as initially you don't have any ratings or reviews.
    Fiverr is good platform if you're just getting started with freelancing, but to get more qualitative clients and projects you can use upwork.

    Since you will ask the client about his/her requirements, thus it is in your hand whether to accept the project or not.

    Overall freelancing is a good way to get some side income, but can't rely on it for full time income.
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    @Ganofins okay, thanks for the input, and I agree I wouldn’t do it full time that would be way too stressful to deal with
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