
Fucking hate it.....
Almost everybody on holidays and I as a Junior have the responsibility that everything should work...
Now since 6h ago internet connection at the main office is down and I can't really log in from Home Office. Just reading and understanding a few tickets and trying to get our partners to maybe shift work to tomorrow so that they can actually work on our systems...

Now I get blamed that I don't show up at work (even though I called there and got said I should stay home) and testers can't work and stuff, although they can do other stuff and everyone should be able to work without problems. PL tries to call a wrong number while not having Teams, the company just switched to and further blames me for not being able to be contacted...
It's not even my fault...

Now I'm not even sure if I should get to Office now for 2h and do nothing there or at the earliest tomorrow morning to maybe fix some stuff, which are not important at all, cause they wouldn't be problems with a working internet connection...

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