
So I am working on a cloud app, Angular on the frontend and NestJS with heavy AWS dependency at the backend. I took my time to learn the stack and I have a couple of years of experience with each piece involved.
Since I am a Level 1 developer, management thought (and I felt same way) it would be nice for me to work with a couple of Level 3 devs.

Well, they hired Level 3 devs:
- a senior Java developer who never touched AWS, any kind of frontend or Typescript
- a senior c++ dev with the same “never touched” as above

And guess what? I have to train them both in Angular, Typescript etc. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of L3, “they will help you to deliver stuff fast”, and adds load on me (I am already a shared resource on 3 teams).
Oh, and yeah, management already promised to release the app by the end of the year and so far I am the only capable and functional developer on the team who has to deliver everything.

I had so much hope for new hiring cycle lol

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    I generally don't mind answering angular questions, if that helps. Or any questions that don't fall under lmgtfy, really.
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    If your company don't mind to contract a remote developer, I'm your man, an almost senior fullstack developer(javascript)

    btw welcome
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    I hate the trend of objectifying devs, calling us “resources” and assigning arbitrary levels. It’s insulting.
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    Thanks @SortOfTested @JhonDoe, that really helps!
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    - let’s put more level 3 resources here so we can get this shit done by the end of year

    - perfect

    - ok, since this shit is cleared what’s for lunch ?
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    @Root I find it disturbing as well, but I can’t ask for much since I’m only a bit more than a year out of school on paper. The goal was to get someone more experienced than me with the whole stack, but somehow management decided that “Level 3” is enough of a description. Guess that’s why “levels” exist
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    @ekat Don’t worry just say what needs to be done and what is stack if they’re ok people you’re be fine otherwise no matter what you do it won’t work.

    Learning stack if some work is already done and follows some decent code guidelines is not a big problem.
    Problem is find right people who don’t complain and just do the shit.
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    Thanks @vane! I’m trying to keep a cool head and just get it done. The people are nice but they also have a “take it slow, take a month to learn everything before committing to the codebase” coming from manager, so it can go either way. I hope for the best though
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    @ekat take it slow are very good symptoms. What I could be worried is UI if it’s external application for clients and you don’t have guidelines or design screens. I suppose aws and typescript it’s fine. There is nothing new in cloud that wasn’t there before, it’s just renamed. Typescript looks more or less like java.
    What they need to know is probably async/await / event listener or reactive programming concept and that’s it.
    There are no threads so programming looks a little different.
    Good luck !
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    Angular, definitely reactive paradigm. I get so very unhappy when I see someone commit code that bails out of the observable sequence and defers to async await. 😆

    I couldn't really imagine writing Js of any kind without it, being you're stuck with non-lazy, non-monadic iterable processing.
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