I was in EE Engineering dept. I got A1 from programming class despite failing at all other EE classes. Couple years later of failing EE classes, I switched departments without hesitation.

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    So CS for you is easier than EE?

    Yet, here I regret my decision not to take EE in my bachelor because I think it would be easier and more practical than CS (less math).
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    @pxeger Electrical&Electronics Engineering.
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    @cho-uc EE has more math content than CS. Magnetics, Signal processing, circuitry, control theory, machine control etc etc.
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    In my opinion, those are physics, not pure (and abstract) math like Cryptography, ML, algorithms etc. that usually taught in CS
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    @cho-uc you know physicist Newton invented Calculus right? In CS, all topics you mentioned are mostly optional. Even calculus, which is mostly mandatory in most CS programs can be seen as optional depending on your career path. EE is math in disguise really. If you don’t have math skills, you can’t survive first year.
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    @cho-uc maybe we are using different meeaning of maths but in EE, you rely more on integral, differential, harmonic series etc etc. Good EE engineers, if they are interested, can become decent software developer or computer engineer but opposite is not true.
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