Bsc Computer science (I've seen the maths in that course,it's a bit crazy but the programming modules is what I love)
BCom information systems (less complex maths,not much programming and a lot of finance and business based modules)but I can take a post graduate straight up programming and software dev course after that
BTEch IT applications development(very practical experience on programming languages) plus in my second year I get industry experience.
Which one??

  • 1
    Definitely the Computer Science degree.

    Programming languages aren't too hard to learn - and the course covers enough of it to get stuck into the details yourself.

    The maths isn't usually too hard, it's more about the logical mindset. The skills you pick up from this can be applied to all jobs, and you'll thank yourself in the future.

    You might find another aspect of computing that you really enjoy, and it's an opportunity to understand the broader spectrum of computer science.

    If it's a decent course, they should allow you to do Industrial Placements between years 2 & 3 anyway. Make sure you do one!
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