
I come into the office today and a new guy is sitting at my desk. alright, I introduce myself and explain this is my desk (btw I work in an office where some workers share a desk, me being the most senior tech the desk is reserved for me) and he gives me a dirty look, gets up, and doesn't say anything. could you be more of an asshole?
has this ever happened to anyone else ?

  • 1
    @g-m-f yeah seriously. I'm worried this guy is going to be one of those "I know everything and will never admit I am wrong" kind of people
  • 2
    Give him one more chance. He could just be anti social with resting bitch face.
  • 1
    @shittywebdev you have a point haha I've been rewiring our bench and setting up munki all day, so I haven't seen much of him yet
  • 0
    @Heatstreak yeah man you right. honestly I was probably the same way the first time at my office. but I'll give him a shot. hopefully he will be a cool guy.
  • 1
    @danner26 watch, now that you give him another chance, he'll turn out to be a dick. lol. If not, introduce him to DevRant.
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