
Fuck this code, and fuck you too. I'm going to bed. ☠️


  • 3
    nn= neural network

    Before anyone speculates.
  • 1
    Good night
  • 2
    NN can only mean neural net in the context of your rants 😁
  • 2
    @AlmondSauce you've read a handful of my rants tho, so you know. Out there, people are weird...
  • 3
    @neeno cheers man. Insomnia didn't let me sleep. But I did some work instead. 😜
  • 2
    I think I the context of nn, the “my code works, I don’t know why” is acceptable.
    However, all NNs, that I built, didn’t.

    That being said: YES, fuck You NN, die, Code, die!
  • 1
    @dder I'm glad we see eye to eye 😜
  • 1
    Woke Up?
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