SAFARI is the worst WEB Browser known to modern man. WTF happened to it. APPLE has shi.... the BED on this ONE!

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    It's not great but unlike Chrome it doesn't hog my memory
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    THIS ISN’T #instagram or #facebook

    #feelingbetrayed #badchoice #lifedecisions
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    I have the iOS 14 public beta 6 on my iPhone 7, and I still can’t change my default browser to MS edge. Either they’re rolling out this feature last, or it’s only going to be available on iPadOS 14. But at least Safari has an ad-blocker you can add and block Google ads yourself.
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    Poor newbie. I made the same mistake putting a rant under DevRant.just take my ++ and get a face.

    They may likely not care what it is you search so they don't develope Safari much. I think I've seen some short documentaries with Tim Cook being passionate about protecting information of its users. Even going against the US Government about opening up the iPhone of a criminal. Although you wonder if they do the same stringent no against the wishes of Big Brother China.
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    Apple has shiitake the bed???
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