
Rails 6 needs Webpacker needs Yarn, Needs NodeJS, needs Blah Blah Blah. Hello folks. Web dev in 2020 is crappier than it was in 2017!

  • 0
    It will soon be re-written in node.
  • 1
    We of the before time have been sitting here for years watching the young nodejs humans building the same dependency hell we built before, making the same mistakes we did. Occasionally we'd say something like, "hey, maybe you don't want to it that way," but mostly we're just sipping our tea thinking, "but that's none of my business."
  • 1
    But some things in 2020 are really nice! Svelte, for example! Typescript!
  • 0
    You just butthurt because learning curve my dude.
  • 0
    Yeah, isn't it great? You get to put a lot of shiny terms in your resume!
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