
Ehhh, life...

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    @rutee07 I prefer rope and a tree right now but it’s not a first time so I will be fine.
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    Do you have a partner? Get laid.

    You don't? Take a warm shower cuz it increase dopamine and norepinephrine and other stress relief hormones. Or hire someone for cuddling.

    Point is, don't kill yourself. The idiots may outnumber us.
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    @rutee07 @NoMad No worries.
    I’m very far from this stupidity, just very sad bit not the first time.

    Stopped drinking and sugar cause of health and smoking fat joints is illegal, well life...

    I’ll just go to sleep and move on from tomorrow.
    What a day heh.
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    @rutee07 depending on how mad on people you are this might work the other way
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