When my boss said that one language is better than others because it's being used by big company

  • 10
    Probably means more Stack overflow answers, though.
  • 0
    Which language?
  • 4
    @felipechalreo Java, what else? *rolls eyes*
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    @Pythoneer same :3 otaku join forces! \_(°_°)_/
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    @KeyWeeUsr makes sense. 😑
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    @KeyWeeUsr wow. Are u psychic? lol
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    @junliang Not really, I just smelled a Java wanker. My nose probably still works corrrectly. :D
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    @LicensedCrime true that. You'll still end up with the basic constructs - loops, io, file streams, so there's pretty much no big difference between the languages themselves (syntax) if you don't count the low-level ones or the golfing ones. Most things that people (including me) love to bitch about is speed and/or style.
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    Your boss is a dumb cunt
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    If anything, it's the other way around. It's not good because they use it. They use it because it's good
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    I mean... google backs java and made a platform with it. If it wasn't an inherently good language why would they choose this route? There has to be other's that can scale and offer just as much security. Am i missing something here?
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    Often times, people mistake "becoming a big company" with "emulating what a known big and successful company does". As if the latter would lead to the first. (Hint: It won't.)

    This leads to weird business decision abandoning entire stack techs, burdening people to learn a complete new tech stack (while some still have to maintain the old one) and making the same mistakes in the new stack all over again.

    My most painful journey was in one company from php to nodejs (typescript) to eventually scala. And everytime the new technology was deemed the savior. (It wasn't.)

    But hey, at least I learned new languages.
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