
I'm fucking done.

I honestly can't see how developers like to work for years on a single project. Nothing on the side, just the one project. Fuck I'm a year in and I've already been pushing my patience.

After working on something for half a year I want some diversity, but every time I ask for it I get the "we need you doing this" card. I've asked plenty of times for my manager to find someone else to do part of my work, and every time I get the same thing. "We're looking for someone, don't worry". Yeah my ass you've been saying that for months and I still haven't seen a job opening.

Honestly, in a month or so I'm gonna tell my manager that I'm quitting soon, so he has some time to actually go look for someone. If he doesn't, not my problem.

For real though, the company is nice, people are chill, I'm just lacking challenge, and no matter how many times I bring it up, nothing's being done with it.

What will I do when I quit? I have no fucking clue, but anything's better than doing the same repetitive shit day in day out. Fuck it I'll probably go balls deep on my own projects for a few months, see if I can generate an income there.
If that doesn't work out I'll just go back to the life of sucking someone's dick for a monthly salary.

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    I get itchy on anything past a month. Just get it over with and onto the next.

    Unless it's an ecosystem of projects that I can change it up where the programming is different enough.
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    @vomitmachine yeah exactly, the thing is, we have an ecosystem. Someone just thought it'd be a great idea to make people work on one thing only and not switch around.

    Like, I get it if you don't understand the framework or language it's not a good idea to work with said thing when it comes to production software.

    Does that mean we can't do anything else though? Ofc not. But hey, apparently they don't realize that.
  • 1
    I definitely don't like to work on a single project. I'm fed up with the current one. I just want it to end.

    So I get you.
  • 2
    It's really strange how this can be so different for us devs... I'm at my best if I can work months or years on the same project and will get quite chaotic if I'm switching all the time... But I can totally understand your point of view. Anyway the best way is to find a job that makes you happy, even if it means looking for a new one.
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