
Finally got a working hackintosh setup except that it says I only have 7MB of vram. I'm starting to see why developers just buy the Mac and burn the cash 😑

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    Tried it many years ago. Wasn't worth the effort (back then at least).

    Buy a second hand Mac if it's just for building (can't think of any other reason to use Hackintosh?)
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    @devdiddydog Yeah just for testing and building the iOS app. OpenCore made it a lot better but it's still pretty painful.
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    Mine booted up and was "stable" as long as I didn't do anything. And I mean "anything" in a literal way!

    You can probably get one of those Mac Minis on eBay for a couple of hundred dollars. I ended up with a Macbook Air which turned out to be an awesome addition to my much heavier dev laptop. Never got into making iOS apps though, I hated the language.
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    @devdiddydog I'm not the biggest fan of Swift/Objective C but lately I've been experimenting with Flutter and I like it quite a lot.
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    I‘d suggest looking into qemu in the long run
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    I’been using an hackintosh for about 5 years and works very nice. I do iOS development but for this I use an iMac 5k. I heard some rumors if you sends builds with hackintosh you could get banned from the App Store for violating the rules .
    So just in case I built and upload from the iMac @home
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    @hugo007 That's good to know, thank you.
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