
So, the customer I was talking about 2 rants ago messaged me back. He still wants me to create the script. He says: "you don't have to rig it on purpose, just add the option to make it more or less rigged. I'll pay extra". So he still wants me to create the website but just don't rig it on purpose. I yet again debunked the offer to just stay safe. I don't want to block his emails tho because he is a good customer, he buys a lot of my scripts.

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    I had to go back and read the other rant, but despite telling him how unethical it is, and likely illegal, you should hide a single bet amount that always wins, like 42.

    Then you can share that info with 1-2 people and laugh as they abuse it.
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    So instead of rigging it straight out he's now asking for it to use variable percentages... sounds legit

    But serously treat it like slots he can make it as loose or tight as he wants, if its done right you have plausible denyablity, that doesnt mean you can't make him pay a shitload more from it seeing that he can make everybody lose that way
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    @jckimble I'm not going to take the "job" if he told me the first time that he wanted just a script that is able to be changed so that the odds change I would have done it. Now that I know he wants to rig it and thereby scam people I won't create such a script for him.
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