
So you build a beautiful site; you spend good time on UX, refactoring, server optimisation, getting good page load speeds, SQL all optimised - life is good.
Commercial team comes in and slaps clickbait, generic advertising, tracking scrips over the lot.
Page loads go from a second to 30 seconds and even though you made sure all those crappy ad scripts are asynchronous pages still hang most times. PingdomTools lists your page scripts as going from 40 files to over 900... now users are ringing me up giving me grief about how slow this new company website is...

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    Now improve the advertising and tracking scripts. Can't you somehow make them less? Does sales need them all?
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    @SweetHuman it's a whole ton of evil; I was told to just drop in some scrips which essentially just let external ad companies pump in anything they want, I've no direct control over the code that gets pulled in.
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    @feynman fuckwads. It's awful man. Fucking awful. Next time they complai the website is slow tell them it's sales fault for adding all those ad scripts.
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    @SweetHuman ...maybe I should have got definitions and monitoring written into the project brief. But how do you write in things that get agreed on without your knowledge! If I'd been given a testing period and time to evaluate the scripts and integrate them over time. Grrr.... the evils of the commercialisation of the web. I blame Billy Gates. Ha!
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    @feynman can you ask them to let you reevaluate the scripts and improve the load time?
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