Operation PiBM 5150 XT is continuing this morning!

Raspberry Pi B+ 900mhz
Raspbian Pixel Linux
LG 21:9 2560x1080 monitor
HDMI cable
/boot/config.txt updated for 21:9 monitor
Nyko PS3 USB Compact Flash / SD Reader
4gb CF card as HDD in 5150
4.77mhz IBM 5150 in like new condition
CGA Graphics and Monitor
Late 2012 Macbook Pro
HyperTerm app
USB to DB/25 (RS-232) serial adapter
Devrant Sticker

  • 2
    Sounds like a great project! Please keep us updated.
  • 1
    Your picture finally gave me a purpose for my credit card shapes devrant sticker! Thanks!
  • 0
    @kanduvisla Yeah I thought that, ha.

    Although I am confused about what this actually is...
  • 0
    @drRoss I am hooking up my raspberry pi via rs-232 serial to my 5150 to let it have internet access and do things it wasn't originally designed to do.
  • 0
    I'll be posting every update with tag PiBM5150
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