
(sorry if someone's already shared this)
Very true though. I remember very clearly when I was around 10 years old, wondering what all these random symbols on a keyboard were for and what type of person would use them.

I guess I'm that type of person; never would have guessed at the time that my fascination with technology would lead to where I am now.

Anyone here have a cool story to share about why they decided to become a developer?

  • 4
    I wanted to make games so I started using GameMaker. I wanted to be a "real" game developer so I learned GML (GameMaker Language) which turned out to be really good for grabbing the basics, it's sorta like Pseudo Code.

    That led to be learning some C#/C++ and especially Java. Somehow that morphed into JavaScript and HTML & CSS.
  • 3
    As my grandfather died, everyone wanted to get everything inside the House. Everyone was figthing. And everyone tried to get the most money. The leftovers: programming book, which were meant to be sold. But i stole two of them (programming in cpp, and advanced computer logics) i have to say, at the time I was 9 years old. So I read them like 15 times, and wrote entire Programs on sheets of Paper. The Programs where like 20.000 lines long and worked (!!!) without any bugs (ive typed them in afterwards) then with 11 years I found a cool teacher, who would eventually come over to me and teach me Pascal. And now, 3 years later im here, stuck at compilterbuilding with fucking assembler... All that said: even, if ur a kid, if u try really hard, u will be able to do ANYTHING (xept 4 levitating xD)
  • 4
    My elder brother was/is an electronics super nerd, he won couple of contests in school and national wide before even hitting 19 years old. that has inspired and set the bar very high to the 8 years old me . so I started playing with electronics at the age of 11 but I couldn't get all the parts I wanted to build some cool stuff . At the age of 13 I touched a pc for the first time in my life , that was a love from first touch, although it was a C64 it become a shifting point in my life as i realised that programming is just like electronics, a medium to express myself. At the age of 14 we got a real pc at home (265 ram, Pentium mmx 200mgh and 40gb hdd!). This allowed me to programme for fun, I begun with DOS commands then ASP , PHP and JQuery , and finally become full stack JS developer (nodejs, SQL/non-SQL, Angular, Ionic, electron etc...). now i am 29 and i would do again if i had the choice.
  • 1
    Check out the replies for Weekly Rant 10 "The moment you knew you wanted to become a dev", it has a bunch of cool stories :)
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