
Why does it take 3 interview stages to get a 3-month internship...
That's ignoring the personalised CV, resume and cover letter for each one as well.

Can't imagine the fun of getting an actual job!!

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    Getting an actual job is a lot easier, internships are super competitive, and since each company has few slots available, they're able to be as selective as they please
  • 1
    @tylerhartwig oh good, tbh I'm kinda hoping I'll get offered a job by whoever I do the internship with, even if not my ideal job and get some actual experience!
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    Internships are worth it. You'll graduate with experience instead of others who don't. It really makes finding a job a lot easier.
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    Definitely true, they're just annoyingly difficult to get :)
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    They're worth it for the CV plus I want to work on a project that's challenging and actually helps people.
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    Got 6 interviews to be hired as intern in my company. But that was super interesting and challenging, learned tons of stuff!
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    @willol Jesus... 6? Crazy. Short of a colonoscopy I cant imagine they learned anything new after number 5.
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    @ninjatini you're actually right, the sixth was more or less the same as the fifth ^^ long story short, the CEO wanted to meet everybody personally
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