Sometimes I feel like I'm not really a developer. I don't know how to explain this.
I know some stuff but I feel like I am always behind no matter what...

  • 4
    You _are_ always behind, no matter what. Feeling that way is totally normal. That's what we all get for stepping into a field where things change constantly.

    I think you're amazing for even attempting to keep up. Go you!

    How many people do you know that constantly struggle with this feeling and still persist? Really, you rock! Keep up the good work. ;) <3
  • 6
    Imposter syndrome. Look it up. It's really common with computer people.
  • 5
    It's called imposter syndrome and it's quite common in development I hear, I definitely suffer from this!
  • 2
    Don't we all buddy. Just keep at it man
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    @ninjatini @meshbag Thanks... First time I heard about this.

    @bitFlipper @Themistoklik Thanks for the kind words
  • 2
    I feel the same way too. But always remember that everyone learns at different pace and no matter how shitty we feel about our progress, don't give up! You're here, where you'll find support from like minded people to pull you through! Believe in yourself!
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    dude it's common as hell...take it as a motivation to work more. good luck!
  • 6
    You get how much.. knowledge you need with computers ...

    People assume because your a computer guy... You know.

    It's bullshit no one has the capacity for it.

    People go oh what's the error x805bbk903:a ... Fuck knows I'm sorry but how the fuck am I going to remember that... For the string to be that long ... There are clearly tonnes of other possible errors

    Same with programming.

    What you learn is not how to do the thing but how to get the answer to do the thing.

    Because there is far to much information out there for you to know every answer ...

    There's no other job like it... Take... Horse training once you know the facts... That's it. It's fixed information. Horses don't change... Or physics.. once it's confirmed that's it...

    But in computers we make the rules... That's why it changes ... You get that....your golden
  • 3
    I always just look back at where I use to be and that instantly makes me feel better because I can see the growth. It's not about how many facts you know but rather how conceptual you are. So strive for concepts and you will be better equipped to ride the wave of change every time it hits. Never give up damn it and keep learning!!!!!!
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    You rock man, really! Do you know why? Because you keep trying, the biggest error is to suppose that you know everything.
    Like everyone here said, we can't know everything, remember all the error msgs, all the features in some language, all the specs listed on the documentation.

    Every day is a new day, every challenge is different and that is amazing!
    Can you imagine yourself working with the same sh** every single day?

    Keep going and never underestimate your knowledge!

    Tamo junto cara, vai q vai!!
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    @zarackritter @dalastTomCruise @FitzSuperUser @jackgreen @juneiss5037 @wbunton

    Thanks Everyone... Really. It's been really hard lately. But every time I feel down I read this comments

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