
What PC game(s) did you play everyday?

Mine is Sims, SimCity 2k and 3K

  • 0
    Never been a big PC gamer but civ and killing floor were my gotos
  • 1
    StarCraft 2, I only ever play ranked games as well.. a proud silver to become gold soon!
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    cities skylines with hundreds of assets and it took at least 30 mins to load
  • 1
    I play always NFS 😘
  • 0
    Mirrors edge, CS:GO, DOOM 1 & 2(with brutal doom mod)
  • 0
    Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (now Afterbirth). Played it every single day for the past months (probably since the beginning of the year or close to it) missed 2d in a row last week because of studying
  • 1
    Minecraft, simcity, sims, pokemon go, railroad pioneer, dosbax games made compatible to linux with 'layonlinux
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