Happens where I work 😂

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    I just always comment it until production.
  • 1
    absolutely right
  • 4
    Remove. That's why we have version control. Create a reverse commit after 2 weeks and hey presto.
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    Not all dev shops have the time to properly vc. Sadly. I wish it was that way but sometimes it's not.
  • 5
    Time? On what planet does version control do anything but _save_ you time?
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    On the planet where not even one ioda of vs has been established. Commenting is a quick and easy way to remove and gain back code. I agree 100% it's the best, most time saving way, but as someone who has jumped into small shops with no vs and a horrid code base, commenting works when your bosses don't know what you want. I +1d your comment. It's just not always applicable sadly.
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    You don't even have to have centralized VC. Install git on your local box, commit regularly. Takes 5 minutes. You now have regular points to roll back to in case you fuck something up, or if you want old code back. Not even a company decision required. I think every developer not doing this for his own sake is crazy.
  • 1
    That's a really good idea actually. I didn't think of it. Have a local git and the dev server git, then roll back and commit to server if something fucked up.
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    there is version control for a reason, one of them is so you can remove it.
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    VC and still commenting stuff out...dev paranoia at its finest.
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    Sometimes I stash it and apply later
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    i have tons of commented scss partials waiting for my boss to re-re-rethink our actual needs again.
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    "When in doubt, comment it out"
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    lol! I still do that
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    @Intrepidity Exactly, any shop not using it is lazy or so sort of high risk adreneline junkie.
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