So. Many. Irrelevant. Emails.

It's getting to the point where I'm considering running a course for recruiters called "how not to annoy the fucking shite out of the people you're trying to hire / not be be reported as spam".


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    @Letmecode let the hate flow through you! ;)

    I've had recruiters that actually helped me in the past (not usually, but sometimes). I remember one called me up asking me about a linux kernel development job, she had clearly searched CVs for "kernel" and mine had "convelution kernel" in it. I have patience for that.

    What I am losing patience for is, "hi need 20 years of Smalltalk dev experience you want job?" (I have never professional written Smalltalk). There's no excuse for that crap. Use CV searchers if you must, but at least READ THE FUCKING CV BEFORE SENDING!

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