
At university. But at first I thought I was too stupid because everyone in my class sounded like they started hacking the NSA at age 3, and I hadn't even opened a command line. Even had a proffessor tell me if I didn't ace his OOP class, I should quit (I failed, did good the second time though). Moral of the story is: fuck him, and anyone who tells you that you can't do something.

  • 5
    I think quitting only applies to those who fail and don't try again. You're going to have plenty of failures post-graduation, but you've already shown you can pick it up again and work on it until it's right. Good for you.
  • 1
    Honestly, I think that if you didn't grow up with a father or relative that taught you programming (just like I didn't) you should be prouder of your achievements. I mean, whatever programming skill I acquired or program I made, I made it by myself
  • 1
    It's become more hard when you are not native English speaking. I think every Americans borning as a programmer
  • 0
    I had a friend that got his first computer ever when he started the career.
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