We need a dev advent calendar

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    Shit of course I'm working on one ... Durrr great idea thank you
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    @alexteg What do you need to to to solve these puzzles? Do you write a script or is it just logic?
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    @Jantho1990 lol synonym puns
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    @lusu The idea is that you write some code that based on the description and examples, gives certain inputs gives certain outputs.

    If you want you can sign in to generate another input, for which you will need to provide an output. This allows you to have a chance to get on the leaderboard.
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    There is also https://24ways.org
    "24 ways is the advent calendar for web geeks. For twenty-four days each December we publish a daily dose of web design and development goodness to bring you all a little Christmas cheer."

    And for those who want to give instead of receive, there's https://24pullrequests.com
    "The idea is basically 'Send 24 pull requests between December 1st and December 24th', encouraging developers to give back to open source with little gifts of code throughout December."
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