I used to get annoyed when my dad(65+ years old) had a simple computer "problem" like copy and paste that I needed to help with.

But then I remembered he showed me how to use a spoon and not shit myself so I guess it all evens out

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    ....but you were like what...3 years old at that time? You couldn't mentally do things by yourself, your logic hasn't evolved yet. On the other hand, after 65 years on this planet, I would expect a person to have evolved to the point where their brain can solve a simple logical task, computer wise.
    Just my two cents.
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    @VenomCLC I disagree. A lot of people at 65+ didn't embrace the computer at the time it became a thing. The elder who know how t work with computers are the ones who used them in their younger years.

    We cannot know how it is yet, but when you're older it gets more difficult learn new technical stuff.
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    Ha ha funny 😂
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    @BikerMouse "technical stuff", I consider technical stuff how a CPU works, not a User Interface. A persons brain works fine at 65, if not affected by illness. Might work a little slower, but still works. On the other hand, ambition is discussable.
  • 9
    I try to see things in a similar way as you. I get annoyed by my mother not understanding simple computer related things, but I still ask her what things I can wash together in a washing machine and she never gets annoyed at me for asking simple questions, and always helps me.
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    @VenomCLC good thing we're not asking you to define any terms for us then, eh?
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    Well, I guess each one has his/her own opinion and experiences with this subject....
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    @BikerMouse my grandpa worked on mainframes
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    @mpotratz ask a young European person and they will all reply "Yes, I can".
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    @mpotratz you must be from 'murica :)
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    Have your ever realized that there is no spoon?
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