
Im a new self taught programmer and i need some advice on where i should go next to become a web developer.
I already know python and c#.
I learned html, css, js, php, sql.

What else can i learn?

  • 4
    Now you just have to combine your knowledge to make a website project. At work I use PHP, HTML, CSS, and JS to make our websites. We also use jQuery for a lot of our JS.
  • 3
    Try a js framework, like angular, react or vue.
  • 1
    Cool. I know jquery already just forgot to mention it. Ill check the frameworks.
  • 2
    Are you interested in working with databases? Maybe you are already.
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    Ya i am im good with the syntax and find it fun working on mysql and toad
  • 7
    Languages are nothing, what you need to learn is programming! And for that, make a personal project :) a web app is often perfect for this
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    Maybe forget about "learning" for a while and focus on gaining experience.
  • 2
    If you know Python and C# then you should be working in some well known company.

    If you aren't then I would say you only know the syntax, not how to write good software with them.

    Sit down and create something good to put in your portfolio.
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    @jcorry yeah good advice. Im trying to find someone to get me some tasks to do
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    @nickpapoutsis i believe u r correct. Ill try some project on my own
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    @jukerok I am also in what same position as of yours. This thread has some good advice. Let's follow them, then see what happens next.
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    @arunabhghosal good idea ya im trying some projects on my own right now
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    Build something, build a a Tetris web app or something similar. You have to learn how to use the tools and the knowledge of languages to build something from ground up, this is what matters the most if you want to be a dev.
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    @divil which MVC would you recommend?
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    For web development i suggest learning Wordpress and joomla.
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    @divil Thanks. I will try Doctrine. I haven't heard that before.
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    For learning purposes, dont touch these: Joomla, Wordpress or jQuery. You will learn only bad habits using them. Learn to use react, angular 2 or vue using webpack to do the frontend. Build backend using php or python. For php I suggest a modern framework like symphony or laravel. Python I would start with flask or django. These frameworks come handy as they have good routers and you can build rest apis with ease.
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    Although it's JavaScript, NodeJS
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    Most self-taught programmers tend to be laking in the area of data structures and algorithmics and this is what some big companies are asking for. If i were you I would try to improve in that direction. However, you should also try to build a portfolio with some projects. Look for some frameworks that use the languages you know and develop stuff.
    Best of luck.
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