Comment on a GitHub issue on one of my repos:

"Almond I posted this feature request last month, please start to work on it in your free time"

Dude, that's just made it a whole lot less likely I'll even give that feature request the time of day. Take your entitled arse attitude to the bank and pay me to do it if you care that much.

Also, free time?!?! Hahahaha.

  • 26
    "I won't have time to work on this for a while, but feel free to submit a pull request."

    And then a month later:

    "I asked you to submit a pull request a month ago, please start to work on it in your free time."
  • 16
    Mark as "closed" with no reason
  • 7
    Moved to branch "never gonna happen" added to sprint 2099.1.
  • 2
    @SortOfTested mark as closed with reason "asshole"
  • 0
    I would have said "Nah." and closed/locked the issue.
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