How do you find the balance between just howing the junior how it's done (or end up doing it yourself) and giving them hints so they can figure it out on their own?

Not trying to be an ass, on the contrary, I just want to help.

But it's frustrating as fuck seeing all the little, simple stuff going wrong over and over and I end up just giving in and take time off my assignments to "help out" (point out the error/give the solution).

  • 4
    1) Don't hire juniors who can't code.

    2) Make sure that their tasks don't have hard deadlines (They will usually need more time than experienced developers)

    3) Have a solid process for code reviews and make your junior developers review code as well. (If you can't learn anything from your juniors feedback then you've probably screwed up at point (1))
  • 2
    I wish I could have gotten code reviews and mentoring at my job. Good thing I'm leaving soon.
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    Maybe help them out by writing down a pseudo code algorithm with them so they know what steps to take. It would be easier to code if they learn how to break a problem down verbally/visually into smaller steps
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    In our team we work the majority of the time paired or in swarms (I realise paired programming isn't for everyone), and we find it really useful for teaching others and knowledge transfer within the team.

    Has to be done right tho, with the least knowledgeable one driving, and the most knowledgeable one navigating. Letting the driver have a go and giving hints, tips and suggestions, but not just dictating what to do to them.
  • 0
    Do it yourself. And make him practice on some not important projects until he is ready to produce something..
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