
Our office is going to have a planned power outage. An outdoor generator hire and installation doesn't seem possible because of location.
We need to keep our servers running with aircons to keep them cool. We're out of ideas unless someone here can suggest something.

  • 0
    Huge caching on AWS?
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    @wgroenewold thought about it. Not possible with all apps. Data feed is real time and require connection using static IP address. Even thought of physically relocating servers to my home but static IP, and dns for websites was issue.
    It's going towards informing our clients and apologising for inconvenience.
  • 1
    @navi proxy on a raspberry pi to your home running on an ups?
  • 1
    Scheduled maintenance? Or a massive battery backup (server size ofc) if the outage isn't for long would be my only ideas.
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