what do you guys use to keep track of all the rapid tech changes, esp. in web development (javascript, react blabla).

any suggestions? news sites? blogs?

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    Smashing magazine usually does a nice digest of whats new. :)
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    I use a app called Palabre. I have a list of like 30 blogs/websites I follow via RSS. (I can sent you a list)
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    I just pick it up whenever I need to use it...
    But sometimes just read articles I come across and the start digging
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    Usually I stumble upon some new technique/framework somewhere on the web as it gets really popular. I think it's a good strategy because you can go looking for the new hotness all day long and find really cool stuff, but if hardly anyone knows how to use it, there will be hardly any resources and you'll dig yourself into a hole if you start using it for something important.

    There's something to be said for jumping on the JS bandwagon.
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    Twitter, lots of accounts that aggregate such news.
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    @Letmecode weird random question but what does e.g. mean?
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    Sitepoint versioning newsletter
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