
I want to fucking strangle my past self to death. Why the hell didn't you use typescript you dumb fuck? Your life would be way easier now.

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    Ohh noooo typescript .. i hear scary things!!
  • 1
    I‘ve been playing a lot with it lately and tbh I like it. But coming from java I have to say, it‘s 10 times more complex.
  • 4
    @mojo2012 it's not my favorite language, not even close, but it's infinitely better than vanilla js. But a a year and a half ago I didn't know that, so I didn't use it. Now I'm stuck with a horrible, buggy vanilla js spaghetti code-base and there's nothing I can do.
  • 2
    Typescript slows us down to the point we can hardly work. The type system is like Latin and even some of the experts struggle with it on more complicated scripts.

    Fighting with the compiler and having something take 4 hours when it could have taken 1 is just a pain I've faced too many times to ever want to go back.

    Javascript wasn't meant to be strictly typed. Typescript is an incredible attempt - and success - at bringing types to a dynamic language. It is not, however, successful at being practical, in my opinion.
  • 1
    @junon yeah typescript has its ups and downs. When you get into generic types and shit it gets very messy, but on simpler code it helps a lot. Without typescript I have to guess what the objects are and I get a lot of runtime exceptions, it's a pain in the butt.
  • 3
    @junon If you are struggling to do things in typescript you should aim to be less clever with the code. Clever code is worse to maintain.
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