
So.. my baby girl have had high feber for some days so that today we took a trip to the hospital to get it checked up (no worries, she's fine). But while there i notise that their computersystems had Comic Sans as font. I don't know but that didnt really seem .. professional ?

Tried to take a Picture and got yelled at by a nurse. And later by my wife. Apparently i was the only one who saw joy in this..

  • 4
    "comic sans"
    so which is it?
  • 0
    Didnt think that Comic sans was used in any real professionell context .. And definitly not as font in a computersystem at a hospital :-P
  • 0
    @wrgl0 I think @TheBardAbaddon thought that because sans means without, the comic sans is without comic, joy 😉
  • 0
    Haha I see, I didnt know that. 😂
  • 1
    Research shows Comic sans is easier for people with dyslexia to read, depending on the severity of course!

    So it could be warranted depending on the context
  • 3
    @wrgl0 I was referring to the fact that comic sans is just an awful font, and people should not feel joy from seeing it
  • 0
    Tbh I like comic sans... Just saying you guys.... :p
  • 0
    @SamDev98 why, oh why? There are so many better, nicer fonts out there!
  • 0
    @haabe what i meant was.. As mentioned in the other comments... I dont think it is awful... It is okayish...
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