
What do you guys think of Free Software Foundation and Richard Stallman?

  • 4
    Richard Stallman is a man who is right on many things but with his appearance and attitude he discourages people from listening to what he has to say. The mythical Cassanrda comes to mind, cursed by the gods to make accurate prediction that noone would believe...
  • 1
    @antoni4040 Same. But when you start listening, he's right.
  • 0
    He is kind of a genius but when he puts lotion on his feet before a speech in front of the whole audience and when it ends he shakes hands without having washed them I have to put some limits to my admiration.
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    As Richard Stallman makes clear free doesn't mean free of charge but freedom to modify/distribute as you like. Just like one would lend a paperback book to a friend. It is a good philosophy but not necessarily the best in a commercial point of view.
  • 1
    The correct way to call him is GNU/Richard Stallman.
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