
So as some of you read. I'm having trouble deciding between leaving or staying at my current job. So I have a question related to that.

Is it considered poor form or a good thing to make myself available in my resignation letter for freelance work? I developed multiple products in platforms the other developer there does not know in languages he does not know. I don't want to leave them stranded as I like the company. But I also don't want to rub their face in my leaving.

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    When I signed a severance package deal a couple of weeks ago, I made it clear that I more than willingly would help them out after I quit (for a price, of course).

    Me saying so was much appreciated and praised by the CEO and managers.

    If they will be using me at all when I'm gone next year, is to be seen, though.

    But I had nothing but positive feedback being on the selling side and not burning bridges.
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    Will quitting leave a bitter taste in their mouths? If so, I wouldn't put it in the letter. If they are going to be sad you are leaving etc, I would include it.
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    Are you moving to a new job or are you creating your own business/freelance?

    Personally for me, if i was changing job I wouldn't mention it because I don't know what the next job is like or if it allow me time to work on other projects - I might promise to help but will be unable to help.

    I'm sure your current employer has your contact number which allow them the option to ask you for help if they need it, then you can decide from there.
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