Getting hit by a car while cycling and forced to stay in bed for a couple weeks so all you do is code surprisingly good programs and websites for being on morphine

  • 1
    Drugs ftw! :D
  • 6
    @maximizer Lmao 😂 in high school the entire class was to work together to create a website for a campaign, the class split into groups, graphics, video, audio, animation and web. I was the only one who knew anything about websites or coding so I was the web team. Just after being assigned the project I got my wisdom teeth pulled, that night while high on pain meds I coded the entire website and the class was in disbelief
  • 5
    @Tcottle @maximizer I don't do drugs 😳 *cough*

    Morphine is pretty good
  • 1
    @FitzSuperUser *baine impression* "no officer, there's no drugs in this mask"
  • 2
    @Tcottle and on them you go "I'm batman"😂
  • 2
    @FitzSuperUser in a deep voice while running around naked IM BATMAN
  • 2
    @Tcottle sounds like you are that guy who can do stuff no matter what condition you are in
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