
Rant rant = new Rant();
Rant.InternshipGotten = false;

Apparently I failed to provide enough reason why I would like to do my internship with them.
And I didnt have any affinity with programming according to them.

Im not a great talker assholes. But im good at programming.
How would you even know my affinity to programming? Because I dont have any personal projects running?

  • 2
    Not having 12 current projects running, doesn't have 10 years experience with node.js. no masters degree, doesn't have 5+ years working as a senior developer. Nah, he can't have this internship.

    Joking aside, if you can't talk so well, you should look into taking a public speaking course like toastmasters
  • 1
    Agree with @Canhanrah. Programing is one thing, but communication is one of the key values of a programmer. Especially when fealing with clients, team mates and sekling yourself in interviews
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