Trying out atom. Kinda nice.

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    Tried that out today, for the first time.
    I had two os to deal with atom.
    On our virtual machine for development there is "CentOS 6.6".
    Tried different versions of atom IDE. Each one brought up different errors on IDE start after installation.

    On Windows7, Atom works like a charme, however it is absolute pain to install an apache-server with php-unit running :/
    Furthermore, Atom in windows does it's job quite well when it comes to "look and feel". But after activation of a different theme, the contextmenues still looking like crap!

    To cut a long story short.
    I'm eager to use this IDE, but i can't :///
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    Vs codes way better.
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    @TylerDDevRant well, yeah. Kind of same things.
    But looks nice.
    I feel sublime is worth the money.
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    I went back to Sublime after about a week.
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    Just for fun. I can't work with it but it looks nice

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    Jeez! It will take ages to erase this picture out of my brain!!1!
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    @harambae so much truth too this.
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    @TylerDDevRant Atom is a text editor, not an IDE. Even though you can run scripts on it or a terminal. Still it is a text editor
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    I think I like sublime and Vim the most.
    I have worked with VS Code for a week, didn't really feel like using it as my daily editor.
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    These new editors have so many great features but I can't stuck with them for long. Without intense VIM support at least. Also the power to configure shortcuts is not as great in Code or Atom.
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    You should all try vscode again because 1.8 was released today! Some really awesome stuff was added.
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    @toXel This. Love the latest updates.
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    Very nice*
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    Emacs + evil mode, to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.
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    @LicensedCrime yes. I would like to see something like that in sublime. :D
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