
After about four hours of email server setup I'm sitting here with a citadel setup, not being able to login, Google didn't help, I'm fucking done with this shit

  • 3
    Seriously mate, only people that hate themselves run their own email servers nowadays.
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    @drRoss Well, I run my own company with a friend and in about a year or so we also want to offer hosting so I've got to learn it anyways 😝 going to try iredmail now
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    @linuxxx I go with plesk to set my emails up. Under the hood it just uses dovecot and postfix. In any case hit me up if you need help
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    @Data-Bound I would but we have a policy (security reasons) to only use open source software where possible but thanks for the offer anyways!
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    @linuxxx in that case go with postfix and dovecot
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    I love Mailgun if you want to automatically send emails.
  • 1
    Trying out iRedMail currently and the setup isn't failing for once, thanks for the suggestions though, guys, I'll keep them in my mind!
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    @drRoss OR people who want to learn and not be dependent on cloudy shit. ;)
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    @sdoering No no, just people that hate themselves!

    Seriously, DIY mail servers are a nightmare. Can you honestly tell me you can do it better than Microsoft or Google?
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    @drRoss No I won't do it better. At least not me personally.

    But I would learn a lot in the process. Develop a better understanding of the tools I use and would be able to at least say: I learned something really interesting.

    I don't do everything I do when I am sure I know it better - I also do things to learn something new once in a while.

    Just because there is a Gmail doesn't mean we should forget how to do shit ourselves and keep such knowledge within our community of technologically savvy people alive.
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    @sdoering True, but you said you were going to sell this platform to people, so their data will now be your responsibility.
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    @drRoss never said that. How were you be able to read that into my postings?

    Wouldn't do such thing.
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    @sdoering Sorry, Linuxxx said that.
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